Thursday, June 17, 2010

Life is a flowing river

Ever wondered why people you care about leave you? And that feeling is stronger when you need them the most.

I have always questioned this fact of life. Every time I felt close to someone they left. And left a pain in my heart. I tried reasoning it but never got an answer. After giving it a lot of thought, I realized what was happening.

I realized, life is a RIVER flowing and we are there standing at the bank of it watching it flow by. The people around us are the FISH in the river. After every monsoon there are new fish that come along the current. Many just pass by with the flow of the water. But some do try to stay back. In an attempt to do so, they swim against the flow of the river. After a while they get tired of swimming and give up. That’s when they let the river take them away from us. It’s when those fish stay that we get attached to them and feel bad when they leave.

So what are the options that we have? How do we keep the fish with us for ever?

Here we have two options.

Fist one is to take them out of the river and place them in the aquarium. This would mean we are taking them out of our life for ever as the river is our life.

Second option is to build a dam across it. This would be even more dangerous as we want to stop the flow of our life.

So what can be done about it?

Nothing. Except for getting used to the fact that after every monsoon new fish would come and leave after a while. And then a new lot would come again. All that is in our hand is how do we spend that little time we have with the fish. That choice is ours. I say lets have fun and make the stay a memorable one rather than spoiling it worrying about what would happen If the person is gone. Enjoy the time available to the fullest.


  1. Congratulations Tarun for the new blog.. and what a thought to start the blog with!!

    As u rightly told..I have heard this PHILOSOPHY of yours from you. But still when I read the same here in this blog (with its heading; it appeared more TRUE.

    I do agree that a flock of fresh fishes keep coming in our River of Life and we do enjoy being with some of them. BEING ATTACHED to someone we grow fond of is what we humans love to do..we only realise the pain when we get DETACHED / LOOSE. And we never want to loose them!

    Its very difficult to accept the fact that one day we have to let go of the FISHES in the River of Life (Even when we and the fish both want each other's company!!).

    Accepting and then implementing is the best solution. I liked the sentence "I say lets have fun and make the stay a memorable one rather than spoiling it worrying about what would happen If the person is gone" the most!


    Good work.. Keep going!

  2. Woww!! Congrats on your new blog!! Must say a beautiful one to begin with...!!! How true are your statements!! This reminds me... We spend most of our lives conjugating three verbs: to want, to have, and to do.Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.
    Way to go!! Eagerly waiting for your next post!!

  3. you have given a very practical solution.. Its very difficult to retain the people in your life. But what about finding new fishes which will be good to us???

  4. Very deep thought.... Hmmm yet very difficult to handle all the fish in the river... I guess Life's like that .
